Cape Cod Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan Club
Constitution & By-Laws
Cape Cod Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan Club Constitution & By-Laws
(August 30, 2016)
Article 1 - Constitution
1.1 Name
The name by which this club shall be known is the Cape Cod Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan Club (hereafter referred to as "the/this Club").
1.2 Purposes
The purposes for which the Club is formed are as follows:
1.2.1 To provide group Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan practice sessions and related activities for its Members.
1.2.2 To promote, perpetuate, publicize and preserve the quality of Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan
1.2.3 To communicate to Club members and the public keeping them informed about Club activities.
1.2.4 To solicit memberships and contributions.
1.3 Earnings
This Club shall be operated exclusively for the purposes above enumerated. No part of its net earnings or profits shall inure to the benefit of any private member or individual or be used or appropriated for other than the said purposes of the Club. It is intended that this Club shall be of the character described in the provisions of Section 501 (c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States. In the event of dissolution, the assets of this Club, after payment of all liabilities of the Club, shall be distributed to one or more tax exempt organizations under Section 501 (c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Article 2 - Membership and Dues
2.1 Membership
Any individual person interested in the purposes and activities of the Club and who is willing to subscribe to these By-Laws, may become a Member of the Club by paying such annual dues as may be set by the members at a Business Meeting of the Club.
2.2 Dues
Dues and fees shall be set annually at a Business Meeting of the club prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.
Article 3 – Management
3.1 The Business Meeting and the Executive Board
The Club shall be managed by an Executive Board directed by the Business Meeting of the Club. The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Club. At the direction of the Business Meeting the Executive Board shall manage the assets and business of the Club, recommend business direction, appoint and dissolve committees and conduct other activities that shall further the purposes of the Club.
An annual business meeting shall be held each year in the month prior to the end of the fiscal year to review reports of the Club business for the year, establish dues, vote to accept or reject Club business reports, elect board members to replace those who have completed their term of service and establish business direction. Notices of Business Meetings shall be sent to all members at least one week in advance. All members whose dues are paid are eligible to vote at Business Meetings. There shall be no quorum.
3.1.1 President - The President shall be elected by the Club Membership at the annual Business Meeting when the office becomes vacant. The president shall be the principal officer of the club.
The President shall: Have the power to enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of the Club as may be appropriate to further the purposes of the Club and deemed necessary by the Business Meeting or the Executive Board. Is responsible for convening the annual Business Meeting and other meetings necessary to the execution of the purposes and routine operations of the Club. Be responsible for notifying Club Members of the Business Meeting and communicating an agenda of proposed subjects at least one week in advance of the meeting. Be an ex-officio member of all committees
3.1.2 Vice-President - The Vice-President shall be elected by the Club Membership at the annual Business Meeting when the office becomes vacant.
The Vice-President shall: Assume the duties of the President if he/she is unavailable to or unable to perform his/her duties due to absence or illness. Communicate with members and the general public concerning club events, activities, meetings and training Be a cosigner on the bank account of the Club
3.1.3 Treasurer - The Treasurer shall be elected by the Club Membership at the annual Business Meeting when the office becomes vacant.
The Treasurer shall:
- Have the care and custody of, and be responsible for, the funds of the corporation; keep proper
books of accounts; and report to the Officers and the membership on the finances of the Club.
- Collect and hold all funds and documents of the Club and shall render a detailed statement of
receipts and expenditures at Business Meetings. Be the primary signatory on the bank account of the Club.
3.1.4 Secretary - The Secretary shall be elected by the Club Membership at the annual Business Meeting when the office becomes vacant.
The Secretary shall:
- Have the care and custody of, and be responsible for, keeping an accurate record of the minutes of the annual Business Meetings or other meetings of the Club.
- Maintain an accurate and complete list of members of the Club, their date of membership in the Club, and date they receive Club recognition.
- Be a cosigner on the bank account of the Club.
- Take over the duties of the Treasurer if the Treasurer is unavailable to or unable to perform his/her duties due to absence or illness.
3.1.5 Teacher Representative – The Teacher Representative shall be selected by the black pin level Club Teachers by consensus when the office becomes vacant.
The Teacher Representative shall:
- Be a Black Pin Level Teacher
- Recommend activities that perpetuate a consistent standard and quality of Guang Ping Tai Ji Quan.
- Act as a representative and spokesperson for the teachers.
3.1.6 Terms of Office
All members of the Executive Board of the Club shall serve their first term at the following intervals: President and Secretary one (1) year Vice- President and Teacher Representative two (2) years, Treasurer three (3) years and after the first term all officers serve three (3) year terms. Officers may be eligible for re-election at the end of a term.
3.2 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Club shall be from September 1 to August 31.
Article 4 - Amendment
These By-Laws may be amended at any Business Meeting of the Club by vote of a majority of the Members present and eligible to vote, provided that any amendment to be voted upon shall have been included in the notice of such meeting.