Tai Ji Quan...

(pronounced "tie gee chwan") also known at Tai Chi, is an internal Chinese martial art that provides gentle, healthful exercise for the whole body.

The purpose of our club is to provide a support system for group Guang Ping Tai Ji practice sessions and related activities.

We are a non-profit organization run strictly by volunteers. None of our instructors or practice session leaders are paid. Anyone who would like to learn Tai Ji is welcome to join the club, attend practice sessions, and learn the Tai Ji set of forms and basic exercises from the more advanced members.

Visitors are always welcome to observe at any practice session.

Please feel free to explore our site using the menu system above. We hope you find it informative.


2024 Practice Outdoors for Members
Outside practice is taking place at the following:
10 AM, Tuesday, Mashpee Commons Village Green, Steeple St., Mashpee. Inclement weather moves this class to 241 Fitness @ 11:30 am.

9 AM, Saturday, Ellis Lewis Park, behind Falmouth Town Hall, Main St., Falmouth. Inclement weather cancels this class.

Dress appropriately for the weather.